A well-equipped Blood Bank began operations from 27th Aug 2000 while the Blood Component Centre became operational in 2010 directly affecting the quality of medical service being offered to more serious patients.
This Blood Component Lab. is well equipped with ultra modern facilities like Cryo Centrifuge, Component fridge, Blood Bag refrigerator, Platelet agitator, thawing bath, laminar airflow, plasma separator, Incubetor etc. This lab will be of immense help to needy patients. Accidents, Women’s ailments, Malaria, Dengue, Thalcemia, Hemophilia, Cancer and patients suffering from such other serious ailments, sometimes urgently need different blood components for their medical treatment. In the past, even if percentage of a single component of Blood was reduced, transfusion of entire blood was necessary (in the absence of this facility). Now with this facility, it has become possible to inject only the necessary component of the blood in the patient’s body. Because of this not only the particular patient will be treated but other (at least) four lives would be saved, in a single Blood Donation.
Earlier, the Blood Components had to be brought from Kolhapur, Karad, Mumbai which delayed medical treatment of the patients. Considering this difficulty the Blood Component Lab has been established at B K L Walawalkar Hospital, a FIRST such facility in the entire KONKAN Region.
The institution is also having its own Blood Bank, which caters to the need of patients under a very efficient and well-organized system
Blood Bank Refrigerator(General), Elisa Reader(Plate), VDRL Shaker, Microscope(Nikon), Tube Sealer, Incubator, Centrifuge, Blood Bank Refrigerator(Terumo Penpol), Blood Bank Refrigerator(Remi).
Blood bank is approved by FDA for the operation of a Blood Bank for processing of whole blood and preparation of Blood Components.
Blood Component Laboratory